Electrical Power & Control Panels

The company has set up impressive, flexible, modern design & manufacturing infrastructure for Electrical Power & Control Panels

A team of experienced electrical engineers and assembly technicians is capable of design and assembly of various types of low Voltage panels adhering to the project specifications and the local Utilities rules and regulations ...

All the design and documentation processes of The Integrator have been set up and maintained in a manner that fully satisfies and at times exceeds the quality requirements of its esteemed global principals and customers. Moreover, regular and methodical audits from these international QA teams facilitate as a catalyst for continuous improvement in all the relevant areas.

Control Panel Up-gradation With Minimum Process Downtime

In a continuously running plant when the electrical switchgear gets old, it starts malfunctioning because of wear and tear, corrosion of contacts etc. Sometimes circuit breakers fail to trip when they should e.g. in case of short circuit or overload, thus presenting a dangerous situation.

The problem gets compounded when the manufacturer has stopped supporting the particular series of switchgear, spares are not available.

Therefore planned upgradation of electrical panels is a must. The benefits are...

  • It avoids Machine Breakdown and Equipment Failure.
  • Provides Enhanced Diagnostic Features and indications.
  • Easy to program and configure.
  • Faster Response Time
  • Provides flexibility